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- My current training split…
My current training split…
FREE Workout Programme inside
I’ll be honest there was a period of time where I did not like training.
It hasn’t always come easy to me.
I used to find it boring, tedious.
I know a lot of guys like yourself will probably agree with me on this.
1 - Because sometimes it is.
2 - Because you feel like you HAVE to do it. In a certain way.
Now I bloody love it, the feeling I get the focus the motivation, the energy it gives me.
An immediate return on effort (ROE).
Why? I have a clear purpose for it.
And for what I said above the ROE.
Seeing and feeling the results across all aspects of life is huge…
Also having the curiosity to explore various different styles of training.
To find one I actually enjoy, this is key - the enJOYment.
Anyway, here’s my current split because that’s what you’re reading this for…
6 Days
Day 1 - Upper A
Day 2 - Lower A
Day 3 - Run 1 - Speed Work
Day 4 - Upper B
Day 5 - Lower B
Day 6 - Run 2 - Zone 2 (Easy Recovery Run)
Recently switched to 6 days each week again because I actually find I’m more consistent if I have something in there more regularly. The momentum keeps me going, even if it’s a short session on that day.
The details - I rotate my training every 6 weeks. That’s my sweet spot for progress, variety and minimising boredom
How to read each workout…
Exercise; SetsxReps; Tempo; Rest
Upper A
A1) Incline Bench; 10,10,8,8; 4010; 90 secs
A2) Supinated Chin Up 10,10,8,8; 20X0; 90 secs
B1) Decline Neutral DB Press; 3 x 4-6; 3010; 75 secs
B2) Wide T Bar Row; 3 x 8-10; 3011; 75 secs
C1) DB Fly; 3 x 6-8; 3010; 60 secs
C2) SA Supinating Seated Row; 3 x 8-10/side; 3010; 60 secs
Lower A
A) Drop Snatch; 3x5; 10X0; 90 secs
B) Hang Power Snatch; 5x3; 10X0; 90 secs
C) Back Squat; 10,10,8,8; 4010; 3 mins
D) FFE DB Split Squat; 3 x 8-10/side; 3010; 90 secs
E1) Leg Extension; 3 x 12-15; 3010; 60 secs
E2) Alt Leg Raise Plank; 3 x 20-24; 1111; 60 secs
Run 1
This changes each week between different intervals but working different energy systems, distances…
All with purpose building towards spartan races around the 5-15km distances. Because I enjoy them!
Week 1: 4x2000m FAST; 3 mins EASY
Week 2 : 3 x 2500m FAST; 3 mins EASY
Week 3: 5 x 6mins FAST; 1 min EASY
Week 4 : 10km EASY
Week 5: 7 x 1000m FAST; 2mins EASY
Week 6: 4 x 2500m FAST; 3 mins EASY
Upper B
A1) Neutral Grip Close Pull Up; 4 x 8-10; 40X0; 90 secs
A2) 45’ Incline DB Curl; 4 x 8-10; 3010; 90 secs
B1) Dips; 4 x 8-10; 40X0; 10 secs
B2) DB Tricep Ext; 4 x 8-10; 3010; 90 secs
C1) Standing OH Cable Extension; 4 x 8-10; 2010; 10 secs
C2) EZ Scott Curl; 4 x 8-10; 3010; 90 secs
Lower B
A) Muscle Clean; 3x5; 10X0; 90 secs B) Hang Clean Pull; 5x3; 10X0; 90 secs C) Lying Ham Curl; 10,10,8,8; 40X0; 2mins D) Mid Shin Snatch Rack Deadlift; 4 x 8-10; 3110; 2 mins
E1) Seated Good Morning; 3 x 8-10; 3110; 60 secs E2) Hip Thrust; 3 x 12-15; 3111; 60 secs
Run 2
40-60 mins @ Zone 2 - Essentially an easy run. Should be able to talk normally the whole way.
Everything in that programme has a purpose for me specifically. Currently I’m trying to build muscle so I have hypertrophy rep ranges to build volume.
Whilst keeping the running going for Spartan races this summer…
I also very much enjoy the technical skill and power development that olympic style weightlifting brings so that os in there too.
It all has purpose.
Feel free to use this as a template and/or train exactly as I do.
Bu tif you want something specific to you, your wants, needs.
That you can enjoy the process of getting to where you want to be physically…