A framework for getting S*** done…

Use this for getting in shape or excelling in your career.

How’s 2024 gone so far Mate?

Have you done what you said you would…

Or does the target you set for yourself on December the 31st feel like a distant memory.

A bit like Leonard in the film Momento.

He just can’t remember what happened - where the F did time go?

By the way, if you haven’t seen Momento, it’s a class film. Highly recommend, one of the IMDB top 250 I believe.

To the point..

No matter, who you are, where you are in your life..

At some point you will want to grow, personally, physically and/or professionally.

It’s part of being a Man on Earth.

Stagnancy leads to purposelessness.

Which leads to lethargy and a feeling of being in limbo.

And you will set out on the journey of this growth and rub up against reality.

The reality that we haven’t achieved what we set out to do.


This is where the framework comes in - the OODA loop.

It stands for:

Observe - What you want, the environment and circumstances.
Orient - The direction and pathways that you could to take.
Decide - Which path/action steps you will take.
Act - Do it.

And then head back to the start of the loop after a certain amount of time.

Originally created by a military operative John Boyd for applying to Air Force combat operations.

And can 100% be applied to you in your life and circumstances.

So next time you feel like you’ve veered off track..

Apply this to your life and see how you go.

I’d love to know how you get on? Feel free to reply to this email.